Bejeweled 2 1.1.1.ipa
Bookshelf 2.1.2198-suspiria.ipa
BookZ 2.7.0-suspiria.ipa
Boulder Dash - ROCKS! 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Camera Flash 1.1-Cracked.ipa
CARNIVAL FIESTA - Ride & Slide 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Duck Hunt 1.1-FS.ipa
EasyLoan by TiismoApps 1.0-DarkHacker.ipa
Eucalyptus 1.2.patched-corepda.ipa
Euro Coin Album 1.0-Kiny.ipa
Flick Fishing 1.4-m0respecial.ipa
GPS2OS 1.1-FRC.ipa
Grind 2.0.2.patched-COREPDA.ipa
iFact - Collect amazing facts 1.2-m0respecial.ipa
iFishing Saltwater Edition 1.2.patched-COREPDA.ipa
iMetal 1.0-FiASCO.ipa
Inherit The Earth 1.5.0.patched-corepda.ipa
iSniper Online 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Rush 1.0.1-Hexhammer.ipa
Krazy Kart Racing (EU) 1.0.0-jz.ipa
Krazy Karts Racing 1.0.0-mathboy.ipa
London SubWay (Tube) Deluxe 3.2-abc.ipa
Photo fX 2.0.1-FLP2P.ipa
Receipts 1.4.0-COREPDA.ipa
shooting star 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Simplify Photo 1.0.2-FRC.ipa
Sushi Mayhem 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
The Converter 0.350-FRC.ipa
Townrs Defender 1.1-Hexhammer.ipa
Ultranium4 v1.4.1-IR.ipa
Wild West Guns 1.0.8-COREPDA.ipa
Zooloretto 1.13-COREPDA.ipa
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
4 Tracks DX Pocket Studio 1.3-COREPDA.ipa
AAA StripClock - CUTE EDITION - 1.01-xmatrix_7.ipa
Alive 4-ever 1.0-Aldogh.ipa
Aqua Moto Racing 1.0.2-weasel.ipa
Atomium - Periodic Table 1.2-yR.ipa
Big 2 Fairyland - Journey to the West 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
BillMinder 1.6.1.patched-corepda.ipa
BroadwayCafe 1.01-Hexhammer.ipa
Crazy Hotdogs 1.0.3-Paschok.ipa
Dou Di Zhu 1.0-yR.ipa
Down 4 The Count 1.00.005-Hexhammer.ipa
Emoji Mailer 1.1-yR.ipa
Fex for Facebook 2.2.0.patched-corepda.ipa
Flick Runner 1.0-Aldogh.ipa
FlightTrack Pro 2.5-COREPDA.ipa
Fonejacker Soundboard 1.8-berwan.ipa
Forest Fire 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Free The Bird 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Geopolis (Geo Quiz) 1.0-yR.ipa
Goldfin 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
iDict - Quick Deluxe 1.1.ipa
iFonProtect Alarm 1.2.1-weiphone.ipa
iFPS Online 1.2.patched-corepda.ipa
iReadMusic 1.2-jj.ipa
iStat 1.1-dEuxdOoM.ipa
iWatch Comedy 1.0-DarkHacker.ipa
Jumble Crosssword 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Lucid Lists 1.1-DarkHacker.ipa
momo (Memo, Sync, Diary) 3.0.0-dEuxdOoM.ipa
PocketDyno+ 2.2.0-COREPDA.ipa
Sassy vs. Bobby 2.0-yR.ipa
Star6 1.0-FRC.ipa
StrongFish 1.0.0-Weiphone.ipa
The Quest - Hero of Lukomorye I 3.0-Hexhammer.ipa
The vampire's kiss 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Trails - GPS tracker 2.1-FRC.ipa
TriDefense 0.9.3-VNMagicTeam.ipa
TwitterApp 1.0-stealstar.ipa
twitterena 2.4-stealstar.ipa
Vector Blaster 1.8-luudaigiang.ipa
Vikings 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Wood Driller 1.0.2-luudaigiang.ipa
Aero Wings 1.01-dEuxdOoM.ipa
Arcade Pool Online 1.3-wackkyweasel.ipa
Aroma Coffee 1.4-dEuxdOoM.ipa
Asian Babes Slideshow 2.0-xvi3tx.ipa
AwosWX 1.1.3-COREPDA.ipa
Baseball Slugger - Home Run Race 3D 1.2.0.patched-COREPDA.ipa
BillMinder with Push Notifications 1.6.1-yR.ipa
Black's Law Dictionary, 8th Edition 1.0.2-freeducation.ipa
Facehack for Facebook 1.0-ReyHack.ipa
feX for Facebook 2.2.0-sni8per8.ipa
FuelEye 1.31-KuFc_alphaQ.ipa
Guinness World Records 1.1-FRC.ipa
Guitar Tab 1.0.4-ReyHack.ipa
Helion 1.1-macosmovil.ipa
iFitnes 9.40.ipa
iFPS Online 1.2-ReyHack.ipa
iKITT 1.1.1-Boerse.ipa
iRaft Wars 2.5-jz.ipa
Jelly SMS 2.2-m0respecial.ipa
Jojo's Fashion Show 2 1.1-dEuxdOoM.ipa
Keymote 1.0-eejay.ipa
MageStory 1.11-dEuxdOoM.ipa
MovieDNA 1.0.1-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
Muscle Gainer 1.2-yR.ipa
Music iQ 1.2-nachumi.ipa
My Video Cache 1.0-marty111.ipa
Neon 1.0-hky.ipa
PocketDyno Plus 2.2.0-COREPDA.ipa
ReplayCam 1.40-COREPDA.ipa
Secure Card 1.2-dEuxdOoM.ipa
ShortBook 4.2.2.ipa
Sketches 1.7.5-wackkyweasel.ipa
SpaceFight 1.0-yR.ipa
Spend - Budgeting 2.2-yR.ipa
The Art Of Deflection 1.2.0.patched-COREPDA.ipa
Tokyo Subway Route Map 1.0.2-dEuxdOoM.ipa
Top 10 London 1.0-yR.ipa
Touch KO 1.1.patched-COREPDA.ipa
TRANSFORMERS CyberToy 1.4-Arce_Game.ipa
TV Raspored 1.51-FlameCRO.ipa
TweetTime 1.0.3-dEuxdOoM.ipa
TwitBird Pro 1.0.1-dEuxdOoM.ipa
WalletWhiz 1.1.4-yR.ipa
Where To - GPS points of interest 2.0.1-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
WiFiTrak 2.6-COREPDA.ipa
Wired Frame 1.7.ipa
Yumnesia 1.0.1-yR.ipa
Zombieville USA 1.4.cracked-LPNRNAPDA.ipa
Saturday, August 29, 2009
a bugs defense 1.0.2-dEuxdOoM.ipa
AC-130 iSniper from the sky! 1.7-COREPDA.ipa
Agency Wars 250 2.1-suspiria.ipa
Air Video 2.0.1.patched-COREPDA.ipa
Art of Deflection 1.2.0.patched-COREPDA.ipa
aSmart HUD +SpeedCams 3.2-FRC.ipa
Audio Match - Bikini Babes 1.1.0.ipa
AudioIn 1.1.0.patched-COREPDA.ipa
Backdrops 1.1-dEuxdOoM.ipa
Beer Pong Challenge 1.1.7-wackkyweasel.ipa
BNO News 1.0.ipa
Cheers! 2.0.ipa
ChocChocPop 1.3-dEuxdOoM.ipa
Coast Guard 1.1-dEuxdOoM.ipa
Coin Flip Euro 1.2-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
Football Soccer Worldcup Penalties 1.0-saritouch.ipa
Harbor Master 1.5-FRC.ipa
iAscii Art 1.0.1-luudaigiang.ipa
iDiagram 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
iFightU 1.5-COREPDA.ipa
iHorse 1.2-luudaigiang.ipa
iSip - Now Record Sip Phone Call 3.0-PoolDog.ipa
iUnicycle 1.3.2-HaveFun.ipa
iWiki 1.2.1-clusterfunk.ipa
JR Hexatone Pro 1.1-Paco91.ipa
Karuki 1.3-wackkyweasel.ipa
Kineo 1.1.1-m0respecial.ipa
Know-It-All 80's Trivia 1.0-HaveFun.ipa
Let's Meet 1.01-yR.ipa
Liberty Boom 1.0.1.ipa
Lifeboat 1.1-HaveFun.ipa
Mobiscope - Spy live cams 1.1-pooldog.ipa
Moscow Metro 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Mr.AahH!! 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Ms. Chuck the Ball 1.2-HaveFun.ipa
Music-Quiz 1.1-Boat.ipa
OutColor 1.0-VNMagicTeam.ipa
Playman Track & Field 1.2.0-FRC.ipa
Poop Guide 1.01-yR.ipa
Postman 2.1-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
QuakeWatch - Latest Earthquakes Info 2.0.ipa
Read It Later Pro 1.3.1-dEuxdOoM.ipa
RunKeeper Pro
Saisuke 1.13-suspiria.ipa
SameGame 2.0.1-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
Solitaire 2.2.1-FRC.ipa
Spin My Bottle 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Super Rock&Roll 3D! 1.1.4.patched-COREPDA.ipa
The Wars 2.0-Monkey.ipa
TwitBird Pro 1.1-dEuxdOoM.ipa
UNO 1.5.3-FRC.ipa
3D Spinball 2.5.patched-corepda.ipa
A Doodle Flight 2.0-MoNkEy.ipa
Alice Greenfingers 1.00-Hexhammer.ipa
Animal Kingdom 1.0-VNMagicTeam.ipa
Artist's Touch — Paint Your Photos! 1.30-yR.ipa
Ballgame 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
BateriaSpeak 1.0-Crackermaluco.ipa
Caça Palavras findWord 1.1.ipa
Car Mania 1.1.0.patched-COREPDA.ipa
Card Drop 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Check-4 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Christmas Countdown 1.0-BoatHouse.ipa
City Bomber 1.29-COREPDA.ipa
Codename Lone Wolf - Elite Sniper 1.5.patched-COREPDA.ipa
Critical Mass (aka Critter) 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Decode 2.1-Crackermaluco.ipa
DOOM Resurrection 1.1-COREPDA.ipa
Drunk Sniper 1.2-SirJack.ipa
EasyNotes 1.0-AppCracker.ipa
Frozen Bubble 2.1-SirJack.ipa
Get Running 1.2-yR.ipa
Green Fingers 1.00-HaveFun.ipa
iCanSketchIt 3.7-HaveFun.ipa
iDialog 1.0.0-hatseknar.ipa
iDrop Dead 1.0.0-hexhammer.ipa
iGuerilla 2 1.2.patched-COREPDA.ipa
iMunchies (popcorn, candy, nuts) 3.0-HaveFun.ipa
Jelly SMS 2.1.patched-corepda.ipa
Klondike Battle 1.0-riipz.ipa
Liberty Boom 1.0.1-Hexhammer.ipa
Metro Paris Subway 3.0-FLP2P.ipa
Mr. and Mrs. Tarzan 1.3.2-Hexhammer.ipa
Operation iWolf 1.8-COREPDA.ipa
Photo fx 2.0-FLP2P.ipa
Profanity 1.0.0-suspiria.ipa
Real Tennis 2009 1.4.2-iamse7en.ipa
Rollercoaster Builder 1.2.patched-COREPDA.ipa
shark's treasure 1.1-HaveFun.ipa
SoTV 3.01.patched-COREPDA.ipa
Special days 1.0.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Sportacular Pro 1.5-iamse7en.ipa
Super Mega Blackjack Supreme 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Take A Chill Pill 1.0.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Tales of Folk and Fairies - Katharine Pyle 1-luudaigiang.ipa
The Myth Of Heroes Legend 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
TightWire 1.1-SirJack.ipa
White Fang by Jack London 1-luudaigiang.ipa
WiFiRemote 1.1.7.patched-COREPDA.ipa
Zombie City 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Thursday, August 27, 2009
AIM 3.0.2-MadHouse.ipa
Al Jazeera English Live 1.2.3-haani.ipa
AudioIn - WiFi wireless headphones 1.1.0-jimvodka.ipa
baby rattle bab bab 1.2.0-jimvodka.ipa
Block Breaker Deluxe 2 1.1.7-MoNkEy.ipa
Bridges (Hashi) 1.1-Z4ppy.ipa
Bucket Me! 1.0-WildNight.ipa
ColorChange 1.2-riipz.ipa
Daily Photo 1.0-KoDo.ipa
Dauerkarte 2009-10 1.1.ipa
DS Double Sys 1.0.patched-corepda.ipa
Empire Of The Sun Game 1.0-Arce_Game.ipa
Fling! 1.0.0-WildNight.ipa
GMAT Practice Tests (math) 1.2-riipz.ipa
Gomi 1.1-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
Hue Spectrum 1.0-WildNight.ipa
i Sniper 0.2.7-wackkyweasel.ipa
IdeaPod 1.0-zchs.ipa
iFisher 1.0-WildNight.ipa
iLexik off-line dictionary 1.0-riipz.ipa
Imagine Poker - Texas Hold'em 1.6-Z4ppy.ipa
iStylist Makeover 1.5-whiteshack.ipa
Jelly SMS 2.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Line Rider iRide 2.0-Boat.ipa
Local Time 1.0-yR.ipa
Mover+ 2.0-Coder.ipa
myVideos 1.6-zchs.ipa
Nightfall 1.0-arce_game.ipa
PapiMissile Plus 1.0.0-Z4ppy.ipa
PhoneSpeex 1.1.197-xaN.ipa
PhotoForge 1.7.patched-COREPDA.ipa
Pinguin Timer 1.2-luudaigiang.ipa
Quad Challenge 1.2-luudaigiang.ipa
Saqqarah - Temple of Thot 1.1-chiodo.ipa
SCRABBLE (International) 1.2.64-macosmovil.ipa
Sentinel 2 - Earth Defense 1.1.1.patched-COREPDA.ipa
Skippy XL - the lively Solitaire 2.3.4-Z4ppy.ipa
Space Ace 1.01.patched-COREPDA.ipa
Spy Bot Chronicles 1.1.patched-corepda.ipa
Stack-it! 1.000-luudaigiang.ipa
SudokuEdit 1.0.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Sumcession 1.0.1-luudaigiang.ipa
That Word 1.0.1-riipz.ipa
The Sims 3 1.1.9-Boat.ipa
TV-Guide 2.1.1-Nonamed.ipa
Wijngids 1.1-PietjePuk.ipa
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
3D Tunnel Vision 1.1.4-FRC.ipa
10 Pin Shuffle (Bowling) 1.20-iamse7en.ipa
aSmart HUD +SpeedCams 3.1-FRC.ipa
aSmartHUD 2.3-FRC.ipa
Bucket Me! 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Codename Lone Wolf - Elite Sniper 1.5-wackkyweasel.ipa
ContactsPlus 1.2.9-IpaNew.ipa
DishPointer Maps 1.0-vsuta.ipa
Flower Garden 1.6-FRC.ipa
Gamebox Gems 1.2-FRC.ipa
Get MMS 3.2-Up9ujlF2.ipa
GPS Kit 3.2-FRC.ipa
Graphical Group Contacts 1.0-yR.ipa
Hi,Cheese!!! 1.0-WildNight.ipa
i808 Drum Machine 1.5-FRC.ipa
iBlue Screen Of Death 1.1-Boat.ipa
iBunko 2.5-zchs.ipa
iComic 2.5-kenshin.ipa
iMandalArt 1.0-zchs.ipa
iMapsPro - Beirut 1.0-me.ipa
iMech 1.0-Aldogh.ipa
iPuppy Schnauzer 0.3.5-FRC.ipa
Isotope - A Space Shooter 1.5-wackkyweasel.ipa
Leaf Trombone - World Stage 1.5.1-FRC.ipa
Light Show 1.0.3-luudaigiang.ipa
mein Klub Premium Edition 1.01-Heizi.ipa
My Hit Radio 1.0-yR.ipa
NoteMaster 2.1-FRC.ipa
Occasions 1.1.1-yR.ipa
PES 2009 1.2.Beta.ipa
Pocket God 1.23.1-MadHouse.ipa
Politichese per tutti! 1.0-bugmenot.ipa
ShapeShape 3.0-FRC.ipa
Shopper 3.0.4-yR.ipa
SimplyTweet 2.1-FLP2P.ipa
SkullReaper 1.0-CivicS1.ipa
Solitaire 2.2-FRC.ipa
soTV 3.01-iPHONiX.ipa
Spelltris 1.0.21-Hexhammer.ipa
Spore Origins 1.0.7-MadHouse.ipa
Submarine Hunt 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Super Yum Yum 3 1.0.7-FRC.ipa
Supermarket Mania 1.3-FRC.ipa
Superstar DJ 1.0-CivicS1.ipa
Touch Physics 2.0.0-FRC.ipa
Trails - GPS tracker 2.0-FRC.ipa
Urinals - The Game 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Wedding Dash 1.1-FRC.ipa
Weightbot 1.4-FRC.ipa
Wizard Warfare 1.0-Minh.ipa
WordSearch Puzzle 1.6-FRC.ipa
Zanzibar (Travelto) 1.7.ipa
99 Names of Allah 2.0.6-disclosure.ipa
2012 - Apocalypse 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Air-Drop 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
AirPhones 2.0-simba.ipa
Alien Crisis 1.0.patched-C4PDA.ipa
AlloWin Pool 1.1-weiphone.ipa
Billy Frontier 1.2.1-COREPDA.ipa
Civil War - Hidden Mysteries 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Deadshot 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Ember 2.1.1-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
FMTouch 1.490-obc.ipa
Freddie Flintoff Cricket '09 0.0.29-Hexhammer.ipa
Future Racer 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
GI Joyride 1.78-emb531.ipa
Heli Rescue 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
iSR Synth Racing 1.003-COREPDA.ipa
LED Board 1.7-FLP2P.ipa
Measures - Unit Converter 1.2.9-yR.ipa
MovieDNA 1.0.0-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
Pharaoh 1.1-Arkanoid.ipa
PicShare 1.01-weiphone.ipa
Rummikub 1.0.2-Aldogh.ipa
SlingPlayer 1.1-iamse7en.ipa
Stackit 1.01-weiphone.ipa
Stealth Bomber 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Unit (Converter) 1.3-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
Warp Defense 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Monday, August 24, 2009
AAA rgDesert Eagle 50AE - Real Guns 1.0-Chappo.ipa
Air Video (Video Streaming and Conversion) 2.0.1-Nonamed.ipa
Bust-A-Move 1.0.0-arce_game.ipa
Calendar Plus - Lunar & Solar Calendar ( Lich Van Nien) 1.2-VNMagic.ipa
Canadian News Addict 1.0-yR.ipa
Dice Shaking and Drinking 1.2-yR.ipa
DIY Recipes 1.1.1-poedgirl[C4iD].ipa
DopplerPad 1.01-Fufi.ipa
English Japanese English Dictionary 2009 1.0-CivicS1.ipa
Fitnio 1.1.ipa
Flight Control 1.4.patched-C4PDA.ipa
Gold Keeper 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
GrooveMaker House 1.0-CivicS1.ipa
Hello Kitty Parachute Paradise 1.0.patched-C4PDA.ipa
HOYLE Video Poker 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Inkvaders 1.0-Aldogh.ipa
Justice in glory 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
LDS Audio Aggregator 3.5-iamse7en.ipa
Love Dice - Sexy Fun for Couples 2.5-Fufi.ipa
Mobits Button Soccer 1.0-AxelFoleyBR.ipa
National Rail Enquiries 1.1-suspiria.ipa
Newsstand 2.0-mrhitchens.ipa
Oxford Dictionary of Music 1.0.154-suspiria.ipa
PimpMyNews TALKS 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Pocket God 1.23-wackkyweasel.ipa
Pocket God 1.23.patched-Goriot.ipa
Pocket Informant (Calendar, Todos, GTD) 1.04.patched-C4PDA.ipa
Prowl - Growl Client 1.1.5-russell5.ipa
ResisTools 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Rowmote Pro 2.0-suspiria.ipa
Safagon - FullScreen Web Browser 1.1.ipa
Sentinel 2 - Earth Defense 1.1.1-CivicS1.ipa
Spin Bowling 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Spots – The WiFi Hotspot Directory 1.7-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
Supermarket 1.1-yR.ipa
USA TODAY Don't Quote Me 1.2.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Video Game Cheat Codes 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
ViewTi Golf 1.5.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Where To - GPS points of interest 2.0-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
WindowCast 1.1-yR.ipa
World Wars - AddictingGames 1.1-Hexhammer.ipa
A Personal Assistant Premium 3.7-Coder.ipa
Air Mouse Pro 1.5.5-wackkyweasel.ipa
B.iCycle - GPS cycling computer 1.2.ipa
Baby Sleep All Night 1.0-riipz.ipa
Bank Panic 1.0.ipa
Birdie 1.6.1-antdell.ipa
Bobolinkies 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
BumBunnies 1.0-Chappo.ipa
Clinical Constellation, UK Edition 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
Come Back Home 1.1-VNMAGIC.ipa
Coqui 2.0-MondoBoricua.ipa
Doodle Jump 1.5-wackkyweasel.ipa
Dynolicious 2.5-BrandonG777.ipa
FamilyRx (AHFS Patient Drug Information) 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
HDR Camera 1.8.0-VNMagic.ipa
iFitness 9.39-Fufi.ipa
iRevolution 1.1.ipa
LCD Clock - Clock & Calendar 3.01-AlanJ.ipa
Loony Aviator! 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
LUXOR 1.0-CivicS1.ipa
Making Faces 1.0-riipz.ipa
MegaWeather 2.0-KuHDeP.ipa
Mondo Solitaire 1.0.4-fufi.ipa
More Cowbell! 1.5.1-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
More Fables 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
NMobile - Speed Traps 1.1.4-BrandonG777.ipa
Nursing Constellation - All-in-One Nursing Solution 1.0.1-Fufi.ipa
Origami Madness 1.6-luudaigiang.ipa
palmReader 1.1.2-whocares.ipa
Perfect Photo 1.1.0-FLP2P.ipa
Prowl - Growl Client 1.1.1-russell5.ipa
PushMail 1.1-FLP2P.ipa
Read Demon - Speed Reading Trainer 1.02-Fufi.ipa
Reversi Online Tournament 2.7-Eugénie.ipa
Sketches 1.7-Fufi.ipa
Skyscape 5 Minute Clinical Consult (5MCC) 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
Skyscape Shots 2008 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
Smarter Than A 5TH Grader 2009 1.5-rscp1050.ipa
Sonar Ruler 1.0-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
Spanish Class 12 - Bueno, entonces... no, se queda 1.6.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Spy Bot Chronicles 1.1-mathboy.ipa
Tags 1.2-Fufi.ipa
Talking English Chinese Dictionary 1.0.1-fufi.ipa
Tap & Track -Calorie 3.1-yR.ipa
The Creeps! 1.2.4-Fufi.ipa
The Weather Channel Max 1.5.1-fufi.ipa
Things U shouldn't say 1.0-yR.ipa
Truco Brasil 1.0-Hiper.ipa
Vocalia 2.0.1.ipa
WarMen 1.0-Macosmovil_Team.ipa
Weber's On The Grill 1.0.ipa
Wunder Radio 1.8-Fufi.ipa
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A2ZDrugs (A To Z Drug Facts) 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
Atlantis Sky Patrol 1.0-Kyek.ipa
Bright Futures Bundle 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
Crazy Monkey Spin 1.0.3-CivicS1.ipa
Documents To Go with Exchange Attachments 1.2-Hexhammer.ipa
Dragon Portals 1.00-Hexhammer.ipa
Eggs from USSR 1.2-KuHDeP.ipa
G-Force - The Game 1.0.1-COREPDA.ipa
Gangstar - West Coast Hustle 1.0.3-Hexhammer.ipa
GPush 1.0-jtanner.ipa
Grocery iQ 1.5-zephyr2kx.ipa
Informed RN Pocket Guide 1.0-Fufi.ipa
iScopes 2.0.1-VNMAGIC.ipa
Merck Manual (Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy) 1.0.1-Fufi.ipa
Mind Nimmer 1.0.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Mine Field Hex 1.0-glottis.ipa
myComics 1.3.1-Fufi.ipa
OffMaps 2.1-Fufi.ipa
Rectools08pro Multi Track Recorder 1.0.0-tinytony.ipa
Red Rocket 1.1-fufi.ipa
Tagut - hitta närmsta bankomat 2.0-dreamcode.ipa
The Eggs 1.3.2-bloodsucker.ipa
TwitterFon Pro 2.0.2-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
Underworlds 1.12.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
AirVideo 2.0.0-Cracked.ipa
Awesome Facts Pro 2.5-Fufi.ipa
Awesome Note 1.6.Patched-MadHouse[C4iD].ipa
B.S.Meter 1.0-yR.ipa
Banner 2.0-VNMAGIC.ipa
Body Fitness Calculator 1.0-Cracked.ipa
Broker Comm 1.02-luudaigiang.ipa
Cams Ahoy! Europe 2.0.2-fusen.ipa
ContactPlus 1.1-ecirb67.ipa
Convert ~ the unit calculator 1.0-yR.ipa
CopterKid 1.1-Hexhammer.ipa
DropSum 1.2-Fufi.ipa
Falling Blocks 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Fishing Calendar 1.2-j0pesc1.ipa
FitnessBuilder 1.4-DarkSorrow.ipa
Gas Pedal 1.03-luudaigiang.ipa
Geocaching 2.3-Fufi.ipa
Giant Bomb 1.0-Fufi.ipa
Gooooal 2009 1.0.ipa
Guitar Tuner Pro 1.0-onexkid.ipa
Horoscope 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Hundred PushUps 2.2-.ipa
iAmBored+ 2.1-luudaigiang.ipa
iCab Mobile (Web Browser) 1.7-simba.ipa
iGangster 1.1.1-VTX.ipa
iPray Pro 3.0-Fufi.ipa
iRoach 1.0.2.ipa
Math Ref 2.0.1-yR.ipa
Mathomatic 1.3-Fufi.ipa
Mobile Allowance 1.3.2.ipa
Navizon 3.0-mary34d.ipa
OneTeam 3.0.1-fufi.ipa
OutColor 1.0-VNMagic.ipa
Palringo Instant Messenger Premium 2.1-Fufi.ipa
Photogene 2.10-VNMagic.ipa
Safagon 1.1-VNMagic.ipa
Searcher 1.3-VNMagic.ipa
Snood 1.7-Aldogh.ipa
Soccer Manager 1.04-arce_game.ipa
Spend - Budgeting 2.16-yR.ipa
The Battle of Pirate Bay 1.2.0-Fufi.ipa
TrailBehind - Find Adventures Nearby 1.4-jerrymaguire.ipa
UK Car Driving Theory Test 3.1.Patched-Supaazn[C4iD].ipa
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
3D Contacts 1.1-hzgf.ipa
101+ PhotoEffects 1.7.0-CivicS1.ipa
Adivinanzas 1.0.1-arce_game.ipa
Army Night Vision 1.0.2-luudaigiang.ipa
Attraction 1.5-ipwnpda.ipa
Beatbox 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Black Shades 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Bough Puzzle 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Camera Genius 1.4-zchs.ipa
Documents To Go (Microsoft Word editing & Desktop sync) 1.2-UltraDogg.ipa
DOOM Resurrection 1.1.ipa
DrillBook 1.0.ipa
F1 Timing App - 2009 Starter Pass 1.4-arce_game.ipa
FaceFighter 1.3-arce_game.ipa
Gas Buddy - Save Money at the Pump 2.1-DarkSorrow.ipa
Genius - Brain Challenger 1.0-painkiller004.ipa
Handi T1i 1.0.0-Cracked.ipa
iBattery Pro 1.1-hzgf.ipa
iFruitBomb - The Fruit Machine Simulator 1.0-chmod.ipa
iMobsters Code Booster 1.1-PyR8zdl.ipa
LOMO Camera 1.1-dllm.ipa
Navy SEAL Fitness 1.0-onexkid.ipa
NervSounds GOLD 1.3-wackkyweasel.ipa
Night Stand 2.7-Chappo.ipa
NotifyMe (Push Reminder) 1.1-Fufi.ipa
Passion 1.0-vxselecta.ipa
Perfect Balance - Harmony 1.0.4-Fufi.ipa
PERFECT Web Browser 1.2.ipa
RSS Flash g 1.72-zchs.ipa
Surrounded 1.11-ipwnpda.ipa
Synth Racing 1.003a-rce_game.ipa
Tower Bloxx Deluxe 3D 1.2.15-wackkyweasel.ipa
Yok musun Var mısın 1.1-disClosure.ipa
Zombies vs. Sheep 1.1-FLP2P.ipa
Abuse Classic 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Autoescuela 1.2-yebud.ipa
Birdbrain - Twitter followers monitor 1.0.1-Pirattitude.ipa
BoulOmetre Petanque 1.0-Mektano.ipa
Bunny Breeder 1.0-HaveFun.ipa
Dillo! - Español - Voice Dialer Loquendo 1.2-arce_game.ipa
Disney Puzzle Slider 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Dog Tricks & Sound Machine 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
domo Todo+ 1.1.1-zchs.ipa
Dungeon Raiders 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
GRE & GMAT Vocabulary Builder by AccelaStudy 1.4.4-VNMagic.ipa
iQ Booster World Cup Edition 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
iSubha - Islamic Prayer Beads 1.0-iTaher.ipa
iWiki 1.2-cncarrollton.ipa
Jewish Mother 1.0.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Mind Wall 1.1-HaveFun.ipa
MyWebClip 1.0.1-arce_game.ipa
Notespark 1.2-HaveFun.ipa
Number 1.0-zchs.ipa
Photo+Map 1.2-Cracked.ipa
RockeTalk 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Saucelifter 1.2-mathboy.ipa
Scoops 2.1.1-HaveFun.ipa
shark's treasure 1.0-HaveFun.ipa
Sky Burger 1.2-HaveFun.ipa
Slot-O-Roma 8.0-luudaigiang.ipa
SpeedText 1.2-zchs.ipa
Stanza 1.9.1-Hexhammer.ipa
The Creeps! 1.2.4-VNMagic.ipa
TheWars 2.0.0-Calku.ipa
Toodledo - To Do List 1.5.3-zchs.ipa
Toy Story Mania 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Twitbook 1.0-yR.ipa
Uggles 1.7-HaveFun.ipa
Worms 1.0.1-Arce_Game.ipa
Monday, August 17, 2009
Apocalypse Zombie Fish 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Audiolibro El retrato de Dorian Gray de Oscar Wilde 1.0-arce_game.ipa
aWake!Gently 2.1-moshi888.ipa
Brasileirão 2009 Série B 1.1.ipa
Bravian Lands 1.0.5-wackkyweasel.ipa
Color Code Senha 1.1-color.ipa
Coral Racer 1.0.2-COREPDA.ipa
CreepyTown 1.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Darkest Fear 1.1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Demolition Derby 1.0-xmatrix_7.ipa
Documents To Go v1.2000.78.ipa
Doom Resurrection v1.1.ipa
DS Double Sys 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Fizz Weather 1.41-TraderTic.ipa
FranceFoot 1.0-iPhonixFR.ipa
Galcon 1.7-Mobi.ipa
GreedyFish 1.2-Hexhammer.ipa
Hot Dancer 1.1-Hexhammer.ipa
iDaily 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
iDetectMetal 1.0-poedgirl[C4iD].ipa
iOutBank Pro - Mobile Banking 2.0.16-sni8per8.ipa
iTrans Chicago CTA 1.7.3-TNW.ipa
KIL.A.TON 1.0-Macosmovil.ipa
LogMeIn Ignition 1.1.120-an0n.ipa
Magic Ball 2 1.2.cracked-LPNRNAPDA.ipa
Navy Seal Fitness v1.0.ipa
Newsstand 2.0-Hexhammer.ipa
NutraBem 1.1.01-nutrabem.ipa
ORBITAL 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Palm_Heroes 1.0.ipa
Phases - Moon Phases 3.0.1.ipa
Piano Man Maroon 5 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Picfree 1.02-goofwear.ipa
PoChickenPo 1.2.ipa
Port Defender 1.0.9-COREPDA.ipa
Rise Of Lost Empires 1.0.6-Hexhammer.ipa
Scream In The Dark 1-Hexhammer.ipa
Speed Test - iNetwork 1.0.6.ipa
Texts From Last Night 1.0-theclassic.ipa
The Game of Life - Classic Edition 1.0.0.cracked-LPNRNAPDA.ipa
Totomi 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Turret Wars 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Valencia Metro 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
WikiMe 1.3.1-luudaigiang.ipa
TomTom GPS Navigation iPhone
TomTom GPS turn-by-turn car navigation for iPhone

Everywhere you go, you can have the most advanced TomTom navigation technology to lead the way. The TomTom app puts award-winning technology at your fingertips, like IQ Routes™ which gives you the smartest, most efficient route any time of day. Tap and go - Using iPhone’s innovative technology, the TomTom app lets you tap your way from A to B – putting you in touch with all the best routes. Scroll through the menu, or pinch to zoom in and out on a map using the iPhone’s multi-touch display.
Meet up with friends - Find an entry in your iPhone contacts list, and the TomTom app will find the way there. It’s that simple. Find a place to eat - Thinking of stopping for lunch on the way? Choose a restaurant, call to reserve your table, then find your way there – the TomTom app does it all. The smartest routes - Is the shortest route really the fastest? TomTom IQ Routes™ will always calculate the smartest, most efficient route - saving you time, fuel and money. Only IQ Routes™ uses the driving experiences of millions of drivers to work out your route based on actual road speed data.
The world at your fingertips - Always be prepared for what's around the corner. The TomTom app comes with an up-to-date, detailed map - and you can add worldwide locations to suit you.
CoPilot Live 8 GPS
CoPilot Live 8 turn-by-turn GPS Navigation for iPhone

CoPilot Live is the award-winning GPS Sat Nav system that runs on your iPhone, with complete street maps of USA and Canada. It's your personal travelling assistant that's always at your side, ready to guide you with turn-by-turn directions and keep you better informed with useful live information about your route.
CoPilot Live is packed with sophisticated features, previously only available on high-end dedicated navigation systems. It's mobile GPS at its smartest. Street maps are stored on the phone - not downloaded each trip. There's no need for extra hardware or monthly fees, just start CoPilot on your iPhone, enter a destination and go there.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Navionics Marine GPS Navigation

This are Navionics award-winning charts available for regions around the world that are bundled with a full-featured, easy-to-use app so you can enjoy charts well beyond navigation. Ideal for boaters of all kinds, kayakers, surfers and shore fishermen, you can check your tides, plan your routes, track your navigation, create your diary with geotagged pictures and comments, and share the whole lot with your friends via email, FaceBook and the Navionics community.
If you know Navionics, you’re aware of our reputation for producing the best marine charts and lake maps in the business – in fact, we have many awards to prove it. With Navionics Mobile, it doesn’t matter whether you’re an expert or novice boater, sailor, or angler already familiar with Navionics charts, you can unleash the fun of Navionics charts for a ridiculously low price… and that includes tides and currents too! (only applicable to Marine apps)
AirTycoon - Airline Management 2.0.2.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Aqua Hunter -Puzzle Collection- 1.0.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Brasileirão 2009 Live 1.1-brasileirao.ipa
Bugdom 2 2.2.1-COREPDA.ipa
Cro-Mag Rally 1.1.2-COREPDA.ipa
DebtTracker Pro 2.0.2-Jesus.ipa
EirText Pro 3.0-MeritX.ipa
Facebook Easy Status 1.0.3-BiH8ball.ipa
Feriados '09 1.2.0-feriados09.ipa
Fourmation 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Gengo Talking Japanese Dictionary 1.1-fufi.ipa
GeoFighter - Light Wars 1.30.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
GloBall 1.2-m0respecial.ipa
Grind 2.0.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Helion 1.0-macosmovil.ipa
Icy Escort 1.00-Hexhammer.ipa
iso 2.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Karuki 1.2-wackkyweasel.ipa
KiddyU (only for bright Kids) 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
KidsPlay - Construction 1.0.1-Hexhammer.ipa
Kisses Game 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Lab-maze 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Macedonia travel guides 4.0-dodulo.ipa
Misteri Rumah Angker 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Orient Express - the train simulator 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Paddocks 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
PocketMoney 2.3.2-Calku.ipa
polyhedra 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
RealArtist 1.3-MaorS.ipa
Red Bull X-Fighters 0.4.0-Hexhammer.ipa
SaiSuke (Google Calendar Sync) 1.12-shinkansen.ipa
SingKids - Baa Baa Black Sheep 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
SkyGazer 1.2-m0respecial.ipa
SkyVoyager 1.2-m0respecial.ipa
Spider - The Secret of Bryce Manor 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
SpinArt 1.4.0-wackkyweasel.ipa
Timeloop 0.0.3-Hexhammer.ipa
TRANSFORMERS CyberToy 1.3-Arce_game.ipa
Vending Machine Champ 1.0-Cracked.ipa
Vibrazor 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
WiFiRemote - Universal remote control for Windows and Mac OSX 1.1.6-xmatrix_7.ipa
WordUp 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
1Password Pro 2.2-an0n.ipa
AC-130 Spectre - iSniper From Above 1.6-COREPDA.ipa
All Pro Crash Off Road 1.1-Fufi.ipa
Aqua Globs 1.1-LPNRNAPDA.ipa
Arcade Pool Online 1.20-wackkyweasel.ipa
Bank Panic 1.0.ipa
Battle Field 1.7-COREPDA.ipa
BunruiMemo 3.6-an0n.ipa
Dead Panic 1.0-mathboy.ipa
Duke Nukem 3D 1.0.cracked-LPNRNAPDA.ipa
Faces Wild! 1.2-Chappo.ipa
FireMen 1.0.1-rsan8a.ipa
Hadiths-e-Nawawi 1.1-islam456.ipa
Harrison's Manual of Medicine, 17e (Harrison's) 2.0.0-Fufi.ipa
HeadsUp 1.0-an0n.ipa
Human Japanese 2.0.2A-Fufi.ipa
Inspirational Quotes 1.4-Pyroball.ipa
Jetman Jack 1.0-yR.ipa
JitterPic 1.2.1-Chappo.ipa
Jr. Hexatone Pro 1.0.cracked-LPNRNAPDA.ipa
King 1.0.1-painkiller004.ipa
MailMe 2.0.1-zchs.ipa
Money Agent Pro 1.2.5-MadHouse.ipa
NetSketch 1.4.1-Fufi.ipa
Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy (Complete) 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
Operation iWolf 1.7-COREPDA.ipa
Organizer (Google Calendar support) 3.2-zchs.ipa
Ow My Balls! 1.3-wackkyweasel.ipa
Parrot 1.0-MadHouse.ipa
Permis moto 1.2.0-cmpch.ipa
Pocket Universe - Virtual Sky Astronomy 1.7.1-fufi.ipa
Pocket Workout - Social Fitness 1.2-Fufi.ipa
Pop Frenzy 1.2-yR.ipa
Pro RSS Reader 0.9.4-Chappo.ipa
QuickOffice 1.3.0.cracked-LPNRNAPDA.ipa
Radio español (70 estaciones) 2.0-teylor.ipa
Seasonalysis - Seasonal Stock Analyzer 1.2-an0n.ipa
smackBOTS Full Version 1.2-yR.ipa
Sneezies - Chain Reaction 1.6.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
SoTV 3.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Spite & Malice 1.0.1.ipa
SyncBook 1.2.1-an0n.ipa
Target Practice 2.0-MadHouse.ipa
Tech Addict 1.0-PhaseII.ipa
Timeloop 1.0-Pirattitude.ipa
Touches 1.0.1-luudaigiang.ipa
tumbladdict 1.02-zchs.ipa
Turbo Subs 1.1.8-FeandMo.ipa
TweetTime 1.0-Pirattitude.ipa
Twittelator Pro 3.1-MadHouse.ipa
Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics 1.0.1-Fufi.ipa
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 1.5.0-wackkyweasel.ipa
Wolfenstein RPG 1.0.2-Arce_game.ipa
Saturday, August 15, 2009
ABContacts 1.4.3-mikebuzzsaw.ipa
Baseball Slugger - Home Run Race 3D 1.1.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
BlastOff Addiction 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Bubble Bash 1.37-mikebuzzsaw.ipa
Civilization Revolution 1.0.1.cracked-LPNRNAPDA.ipa
DocScanner 1.8.1-IPHONIX.ipa
Duke Nukem 3D 1.0.fixed-C4PDA+xmatrix7.ipa
FiveSecondsGame 0011.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Fizz Weather 1.4-TraderTic.ipa
Fling! 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Geared 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Harbor Master Ep4 - Pocket God Attacks! 1.4-Pirattitude.ipa
HotField 1.11.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Hue Spectrum 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
iFisher 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
IM+ 3.3.cracked-LPNRNAPDA.ipa
iPedo, El Fart Mexicano! Pedo 1.0-macosmovil.ipa
iPeriod (Period Calendar) 3.0-mikebuzzsaw.ipa
iUFO Catcher 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
JR Hexatone Pro 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Lingopal - Fun Multilingual Phrasebook 1.0.2-fufi.ipa
Lion Pride 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Marmiton - la bible des recettes de cuisine 1.1-NeoZ.ipa
Mosby's Review Questions for the NCLEX-RN 1.1-Fufi.ipa
MusicID with Lyrics Search 1.0.1-Hexhammer.ipa
NetRunner 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Nintaii 1.0.11-COREPDA.ipa
Office Tanks 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Ouch! 1.4-wackkyweasel.ipa
Palm Heroes 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Paris 3D 1.0-WeiPhone.ipa
Payback 1.12-fufi.ipa
Perfect Photo 1.0.0-FLP2P.ipa
Pet Playpen 1.03-mikebuzzsaw.ipa
PianoMan The Cardigans 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Rollercoaster Builder 1.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
RunKeeper Pro Spanish
Sorty 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
TanZen 1.5.6-mikebuzzsaw.ipa
TipTopTap12 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
TipTopTap26 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Tipulator 2.4-TraderTic.ipa
UsaRiva -Rabbit's Reversi- 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Volley 1.0.cracked-LPRNAPDA.ipa
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Alien Jumper 1.0-Looler.ipa
AppSniper 1.9-TraderTic.ipa
Civil War - Hidden Mysteries 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Civilization Revolution 1.0.1-Arce_game.ipa
DigiDrummer 3.5-metal4life.ipa
Discount & Tax Calculator 1.0-MadHouse.ipa
Duke Nukem 3D 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Fortune Spin 1.0-disclosure.ipa
G-Map CA 1.0-Vince.ipa
Galactic Gunner 1.0.1-mathboy.ipa
HappyDayz! 2.0.1-Nimrod78.ipa
i Sniper 0.2.6-wackkyweasel.ipa
iAmpRemote 1.6-Nonamed.ipa
Internet Radio BOX 1.4.1.proper.cracked-yR.ipa
iPartridge 1.0.ipa
Layers 1.1-poedgirl[C4iD].ipa
Lexi-Complete 1.4.0.cracked-LPNRNRAPDA.ipa
LightBike Online 1.2.1-MadHouse.ipa
Lights Off 1.0.3-MadHouse.ipa
Magic Ball 2 1.2-CivicGsm.ipa
Mediquations Medical Calculator 17.1.ipa
oMaps (offline Maps) 1.1-alexostr.ipa
Permis Côtier 1.0.3-blouart.ipa
Shazam 1.7-HellAngel.ipa
Simplify Music 2 2.1.1-terminalspaces.ipa
Star Defense 1.3.patched-Goriot.ipa
Todo 3.0-palillos.ipa
TRIVIA WARS 1.1-MadHouse.ipa
Truduku 1.0-xmatrix.ipa
WorldSub - Moscow Metro 2.1-alexostr.ipa
1,001 Ringtones Pro 1.7-kevinmai.ipa
Alien Crisis 1.0-Aldogh.ipa
Blue Skies 3GS 1.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Clinical Constellation 2.0.0-Fufi.ipa
Color Expert (v1.0).ipa
Diseases and Disorders - A Nursing Therapeutics Manual 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
DrugGuide (Davis’s Drug Guide) 1.0.1-Fufi.ipa
Dub Siren 1.1-aaa.ipa
Fighter Jigsaw with Wallpapers 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Flashcard Ex-Mental Case Study Flashcards 2.0.3.ipa
Ghost Static 1.0.4-luudaigiang.ipa
GPush 1.0-Carbone.ipa
iBlackHole 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
iiQuota 8.01-poedgirl[C4iD].ipa
iRevolution 1.0.ipa
iStellar 1.31-re.ipa
KENKEN - Train Your Brain 1.2.0-Stank.ipa
Météo des Plages 1.0-NeoZ.ipa
Money Diary 1.0-zchs.ipa
Nine Inch Nails Revenge 1.0.2-weasel.ipa
Occasions 1.1-yR.ipa
Past Recorder 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Private Notes 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Psarakia (Ice Fishing) 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Skyscape Clinical Constellation 2.0.0-LPNRNAPDA.ipa
Skyscape's Medical Bag 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
SnakeXT 1.3-weasel.ipa
Space Monkey 1.4-Gurrewe.ipa
Stedman28 (Stedman's Dictionary) 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
Toki Tori 1.3.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Top 10 Paris 1.0.1-yR.ipa
Top 10 Rome 1.0.1-yR.ipa
TV-Guide 2.1 Nonamed.ipa
twitterena 2.4-Stank.ipa
twitterena+ pro 3.0-Stank.ipa
Wild West Guns 1.0.8-weasel.ipa
Sygic Mobile Maps Brazil
Sygic Mobile Maps Brazil - Turn-by-Turn Voice Guided GPS iPhone Navigation

Intuitive design, easy to read as you drive, crystal-clear spoken voice instructions and route guidance. Plus, advanced lane guidance with real signpost information, fast and a powerful address search that accepts ZIP and Postcodes. Minimise the risk of driving a route where the road layout has changed. Sygic uses the very latest maps from Tele Atlas and WhereIs. In many countries/territories was the coverage of the road network noticeably increased. All the maps will be stored on the device, there will be no need to download data on the go, which otherwise costs unnecessary waiting time and money. Everything you need to drive with confidence from advanced warnings on railway crossings and fixed speed cameras to alerts on speed limits on the roads you drive.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
NAVIGON MobileNavigator Australia
NAVIGON MobileNavigator Australia 1.0.0 iPhone GPS

With the NAVIGON MobileNavigator you can transform your iPhone into a fully functional mobile navigation system that is every bit as good as the multi-award-winning personal navigation devices from NAVIGON in terms of its user-friendliness and features.
Thanks to a faithful adaptation of the menu functions, the NAVIGON MobileNavigator fits in seamlessly with the operating concept of the iPhone. The application includes the latest map material from the market leader NAVTEQ and can be used without an Internet connection, which is of enormous benefit abroad, for example, as no extra charges are incurred.
The latest NAVTEQ map material of Australia.
4 Elements - Puzzledom 1.1.3-Hexhammer.ipa
Baggage Control 1.2-Hexhammer.ipa
Beach Rush 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Beach Rush 1.0.PATCHED-toumette.ipa
CaloryGuard 2 2.51-Cracked.ipa
Classics 1.3-Hexhammer.ipa
Dou Di Zhu Online (Fight the landlord online) 1.00.00-Hexhammer.ipa
Electric Box 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Emergency Radio 1.5-DarkSorrow.ipa
Genesis 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Gunrazor 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
i.Game SiChuan Mahjong 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
iFitness 9.37-DarkSorrow.ipa
iFlighter Control 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Inside Redbox Mobile Pro 1.2.1-pcpro745.ipa
Islamic Compass 1.2-q8com.ipa
iStar Force Fighter 1.1-mathboy.ipa
JocoToco 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Jump! 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Link Puzzle 1.1-Hexhammer.ipa
Lockpick Hero 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Marine Sharpshooter 1.1-COREPDA.ipa
Monster Pinball 1.1-iamse7en.ipa
Photo Spot 1.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Pocket Girls 1.1-TuanVNM.ipa
Proxy Pal 1.0.ipa
PushMail 1.0-neo97.ipa
PushMail 1.0-rbisconti97.ipa
Quordy 1.4.0-iamse7en.ipa
Rope'n'Fly 1.4.1-MadHouse.ipa
Secrets of the Vatican - HdO Adventure 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Ship It 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
SimplyTweet 2.1-CarboneC4PDA.ipa
Sleepmaker Storms Pro 1.1.1-Tenchikun.ipa
SpongeBob Diner Dash 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Spy - Full View Faux Browser 2.5-q8com.ipa
Tap Tap Revenge Classic (paid version) 1.7-Pyroball.ipa
Vocalia 1.2.ipa
WeatherBug Elite
WordFu 1.3.ipa
WriteRoom 1.3.1-Carbone.ipa
Simon The Sorcerer 1.5.cracked-corepda.ipa
Spybot Chronicles 1.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Street Magic - See A Card by David Blaine 1.0.320-prybar.ipa
iLove Girl 1.0-FeandMo.ipa
iMagicBubble 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Magic Compass Trick 1.0-prybar.ipa
Pocket God 1.22.cracked-corepda.ipa
Cooking Dash1.0 K__'d By iPhoneCake.ipa
Crosak1.0 K__'d By iPhoneCake.ipa
i-Sex-U-Up (the 400 hot girls edition) 1.0-tuanVNM.ipa
BMX Cunning Stunts 1.0.0-CivicS1.ipa
Bomberman Touch 2 - Volcano Party 1.5.0.cracked-corepda.ipa
Asian Boobs 1.00-CivicS1.ipa
Asian Fantasy Videos 17+ (Lite) 1.0-TuanVNM.ipa
Besieged 1.1-Hexhammer.ipa
Blocks2 1.1.1.cracked-corepda.ipa
Apache Storm 1.0-Aldogh85.ipa
Sunday, August 9, 2009
iGO My way 2009 North America
iGO My way 2009 North America Edition GPS iPhone

Complete GPS Navigation in 3D. iGO My way™ 2009 guides you to any address in the USA and Canada with the help of outstanding 3D graphics, clear visual cues and precise voice instructions. iGO My way™ 2009 for the iPhone offers unparalleled visualization quality. beautifuly rendered maps provide instant orientation. Complex junctions are displayed in 3D to provide rapid understanding of your next maneuver while true to life 3D models of famous landmarks and display of the terrain around you - such as valleys, hills and mountains - combine to provide superior door to door, turn-by-turn navigation.
iGO My way™ 2009 North America edition includes the detailed map of the US and Canada. iGO My way™ 2009 North America edition guides you to your destination in different languages including English, Canadian French, US and Mexican Spanish.
1 to 25 1.0-Pirattitude.ipa
5-Minute Pediatric 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
Air Mouse Pro 1.5.4-TraderTic.ipa
Airigo 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Amy's Burger Shop 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Anekdot 1.0.0-HELM.ipa
Banzai - Ninja Sports 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
BridgeBasher 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Canadian Slang 2.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Car Jack Streets 1.3.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Catchlight 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Checkers Premium 1.31-Fufi.ipa
Colorpedia 1.0-Fufi.ipa
Garfield – Train Your Brain 1-Hexhammer.ipa
Gomi 1.0-arce_game.ipa
Guitar Rock Tour 2 2.0.0-Arce_game.ipa
Guitar Tab 1.0.3-teylor.ipa
iButton 1.2-luudaigiang.ipa
Idol Poker 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
iJoust Classic Arcade 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
IM+ 3.3-arce_game.ipa
iRetroPhone - Rotary Dialer 1.5-disclosure.ipa
KaraokeLRC 1.0-xmatrix.ipa
KeyRing 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
KList 1.0-pikachu.ipa
LOMO Camera 1.1-miraclebeam.ipa
Merdeka atau Mati 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Mini Golf Wacky Worlds 1.0-macosmovil.ipa
Monkey Blast 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
myDesktop - Multi window browser 1.00-Gaidauteam.ipa
Myths and Facts 1.2-Fufi.ipa
NFL 2010 1.0.3-WYSE[C4iD].ipa
Nixie Clock A 1.20-Fufi.ipa
Nursing Constellation Plus 1.0.0-Fufi.ipa
Passage Control 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Penalty Shootout 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
PhoneFace Photo Speed Dial 1.0-Néo.Z.ipa
PhotoRoom 1.0-Fufi.ipa
PianoStudio 1.1-Hexhammer.ipa
Presidents of the United States 1.2.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Q'Bert Deluxe 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
QQ 2.5-Hexhammer.ipa
SafeCracker 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Shift 1.1-tizocman.ipa
SignalScope Pro 1.0-Fufi.ipa
SoundMeter 1.5-Fufi.ipa
Spy Bot Chronicles 1.0-mathboy.ipa
Surakarta 1.0.2-luudaigiang.ipa
Tillage Card 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Twisty Text 1.5.3-uptonseasider.ipa
VG TV-Guide 1.0-Fufi.ipa
Wacky Packs - Find the Fake 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
War 3100 1.0-ny318.ipa
Yummy Bugs Deluxe 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
4 Bugs 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
321 Jump! (Bluetooth Multiplayer Jump!) 2.0-tsuma.ipa
AniGif - tweet and email animated photos 1.0-xmatrix.ipa
Awesome Note 1.5-Hexhammer.ipa
CozyQuest 1.2.2-tsuma.ipa
Doodle Jump 1.4.ipa
Hit Or Die 1.4.2-COREPDA.ipa
I'm Destroyer 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
iDownload + File Zapper 1.2.1-dNaPdA.ipa
iMurmur 1.0-MadHouse.ipa 2.1.0- thu6.ipa
PAC-MAN REMIX 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Paper Toss - World Tour 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
PDF Expert (professional PDF documents reader) 1.1-MadHouse.ipa
Reiner Knizia's Robot Master 1.2-BiH8ball.ipa
Rockchinko 3GS Edition 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Sub Hunt 1-Hexhammer.ipa
The Battle of Pirate Bay 1.1.0-Fufi.ipa
VN Girls 1.0.12-heaveniphone.ipa
War 3100 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Word Play! ONLINE 1.2-linkmaster02.ipa
Zooloretto 1.12-COREPDA.ipa
AirCheck Aviation Checklist 1.7.1-6050D.ipa
Alarm Clock! Music Theme Clocks 3.0.5-arce_game.ipa
Buzzer Music Quiz 1.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Card Ninja 1.01-ledinhtuan81.ipa
Castle of Magic 1.0.4.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Defender Chronicles - Legend of The Desert King 1.2.1-ledinhtuan81.ipa
Evil Fortune Cookie 1.0-Roon Hapoon.ipa
Fast & Furious The Game 0.4.8-arce_game.ipa
Leaf Bound 1.1-COREPDA.ipa
LiveATC Air Radio 1.0.2-6059d.ipa
Lunar Module 3D 1.0-Fufi.ipa
Moon Drop 1.0.1-Fufi.ipa
Need for Speed - Undercover (Italian) 1.2.3-iScary.ipa
Recorder 10.0-miraclebeam.ipa
Sexy Wash Video - Bikini & Lingerie 1.1-RoonHapoon.ipa
SlotZ Racer 1.1.2-dylaan.ipa
Stick it - iPhone Sticky Notes 1.1-wanted.ipa
The Deep Pinball 1.0.ipa
ToyCamera 3.51-miraclebeam.ipa
TVUPlayer 1.0-BiH8ball.ipa
Friday, August 7, 2009
iGO My way 2009 Europe
iGO My way 2009 Europe GPS iPhone

iGO My way™ 2009 for the iPhone offers unparalleled visualization quality. beautifuly rendered maps provide instant orientation. Complex junctions are displayed in 3D to provide rapid understanding of your next maneuver while true to life 3D models of famous landmarks and display of the terrain around you - such as valleys, hills and mountains - combine to provide superior door to door, turn-by-turn navigation.
iGO My way™ 2009 Europe edition includes the detailed map of 40 countries: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Vatican.
Archie - Freshman Year #2 1.2-Fufi.ipa
Archie - Freshman Year #3 1.2-Fufi.ipa
Archie - Freshman Year #4 1.2-Fufi.ipa
Archie - Freshman Year #5 1.2-Fufi.ipa
Cheat Codes 1.2-Hexhammer.ipa
Copy Share 1.1-Hexhammer.ipa
Diamond Checkers 1.5.3-Fufi.ipa
DropSum 1.1-Fufi.ipa
Funky HOOPS 1.0-mathboy.ipa
iErase 1.1-Fufi.ipa
iLandCars 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
iPirate - Pirate Insult Generator 2.3-luudaigiang.ipa
Lifeboat 1.0-Fufi.ipa
Mino 1.1-Fufi.ipa
NanoMechs 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Numerus 1.0.1-Fufi.ipa
Parking Panic 1.1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
PhotoForge 1.6.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
PicGrid - picross puzzle 1.2.1-Fufi.ipa
Pixelogic - Picross Enhanced 1.1-Fufi.ipa
PocketPUA - The 1st Mobile Pick-Up Artist 1.0-Fufi.ipa
Proposal 'Will you marry me' 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Proto 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Rainbow Web II 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Roadkill Cafe 1.1-jerrymaguire.ipa
Shpop 1.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Sky Rage 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Sudoku Magic 1.0-peacemkr.ipa
The Creeps! 1.2.3-Fufi.ipa
The Finger! 1.0-Fufi.ipa
Wine Ph.D. 1.0-Fufi.ipa
101+ PhotoEffects 1.6.0-wanted.ipa
Airport Madness 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
AlphaBravo 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
AppSniper 1.8-weasel.ipa
Camera Flash 1.0-xmatrix.ipa
Chewie Chu 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
CHMate - CHM reader 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Equilibrio 1.3-Hexhammer.ipa
GreenThumb! 1.00-Hexhammer.ipa
Hero Defense 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
iCS - Sniper 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Infinite Maze 1.0.1.ipa
iPongo 1.2-slick5657.ipa
iTweets 1.3.1-stealstar.ipa
Lifeboat 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Lyrics+ 1.0 Pyroball.ipa
MagicFighter 1.01-Hexhammer.ipa
MotionX Dice Plus 4.0-Fufi.ipa
MotionX Poker Quest 2.0-Fufi.ipa
PhotoForge 1.6-Fufi.ipa
Portuguese-English Translation Dictionary by Ultralingua 1.2-Fufi.ipa
Postage 1.2.1-Fufi.ipa
Race Fan Ultimate 1.3-Cronic.ipa
Simple Tweet 1.01-stealstar.ipa
Tile Slide 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Titanic - Hidden Expedition 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Toki Tori 1.3-m0respecial.ipa
Tube Boards Pro 1.3.1-Fufi.ipa
Tube Exits 1.1.4-Fufi.ipa
TweetGlobe 1.0-stealstar.ipa
Twitterfall 1.0.5-stealstar.ipa
Twitterville 1.3.2-stealstar.ipa
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Beginning iPhone Development
Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK

Are you a programmer looking for a new challenge? Does the thought of building your very own iPhone app make your heart race and your pulse quicken? If so, Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK is just the book for you. Updated and revised for iPhone SDK 3, many of the discussions in the original book have been clarified to make some of the more complex topics easier to understand. In addition, all of the projects have been rebuilt from scratch using the SDK 3 templates.
WWDC 2009 iPhone Sessions
Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2009 - iPhone Sessions

The new iPhone SDK offers a range of incredible capabilities for iPhone development. New and experienced iPhone developers will benefit from sessions that explore the new APIs, robust developer tools, and exciting features that will enhance the functionality of your iPhone applications.
Sygic MobileMaps America 7.71.2
Sygic MobileMaps America 7.71.2 iPhone GPS

Sygic GPS navigation software turns your iPhone into a real-time, turn-by-turn voice guided navigation system. Crystal-clear animated 3D maps, fast and intuitive address search, precise route calculation, lane assistant, signpost information, notifications about upcoming petrol stations and restaurants. Sygic Mobile Maps 2009 for iPhone is featuring all of these innovations to guide you precisely to your destination. The package includes the latest maps from Tele Atlas, the leading map provider. There are no monthly fees or hidden charges. The license has unlimited validity, it will never expire. Since all maps are on your device, there is no need to download data from a cellular network. You do not need to have a data plan and you can disable data roaming. The navigation is smooth and free of any interruptions. The application adapts to landscape or portrait view in real time. Colors change when it gets dark.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
AutoNavi Navigation
AutoNavi Navigation 1.0 iPhone GPS by AutoNavi Information

A leading supplier of navigation electronic map and location of service providers. Class Navigation national quality electronic mapping with aerial photography class quality measurement. For Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz high-end auto brands, such as the provision of map products, the industry, "high-end brand leader," winning and "Technology Leader" award.
Product features:
(1) the leading map data to provide you with comprehensive and accurate search service: take the road mileage is the first! The number of points of interest first in the country! Truly national coverage!
(2) professional navigation engine, allows you to instantly have a high-end car navigation experience: simulation of navigation at any time to view the full overview, feature-rich, practical, a variety of system settings to meet your individual needs.
(3) a powerful voice navigation, to provide you with the most clear navigation guide.
(4) rich in road safety messages for electronic dog escort for you: Speed camera built at the national information, timely to remind you to drive safely and no longer allow you to worry about speeding tickets.
(5) exquisite rendering of the map, on a par Google Maps: Real Enlargement junctions, road signs tips, such as import and export of high-speed, interface aesthetics, clear guidelines.
(6) friendly interface with iPhone-style perfect uniform: common feature is available in the direct operation of the completion of the map interface; finger operation, responsive, comfortable, one-touch navigation.
Aniservariantes 1.0-allPod.ipa
Cell Minute Tracker for AT&T O2UK 1.1-Jwharmsby.ipa
Convert Unit Converter by PBF 1.5.2-Xobius.ipa
Discover Pro 1.2.0-Fufi.ipa
Eucalyptus 1.1.cracked-corepda.ipa
ezShare - Network Files Stream Email Print 1.1.0-Xobius.ipa
Flight of the Amazon Queen 1.5.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
iGangster 1.1-Fufi.ipa
iPunchOut Boxing 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
iSamurai Bluetooth 1.1-iphonecare.ipa
Measures 1.2.9.cracked-corepda.ipa
Need For Speed Undercover 1.2.0-Arce_game.ipa
Official MotoGP Live Timing 1.0.3-sodsod.ipa
Quit Smoking Now with Max Kirsten 1.0-suspiria.ipa
RealMaze 3D 1.3.1.cracked-corepda.ipa
Ruby Red Slots 1.1-Fufi.ipa
Sally's Salon 1.1.5-AppCrackLiteUser.ipa
Sally's Spa 1.4-AppCrackLiteUser.ipa
Snow-Tower 1.0-Fufi.ipa
Star Hogs 1.2.2.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Sync in a Blink 2.1.9-autopear.ipa
Touch4 - FS5 2.6.2-Fufi.ipa
Typing Sebastian 1.1-apple101.ipa
vDrummer 1.4.1-cocox.ipa
World Newspapers 1.8-Fufi.ipa
XBMC Music Streamer 1.5-Fufi.ipa
Monday, August 3, 2009
4x4x4 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
321 Jump! 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
2009 Road Master 1.0-leeshang.ipa
AMG Brasil Boys 1.0-flsdlld.ipa
Astraware Casino 1.00-Hexhammer.ipa
Avertinoo 3.0-FLP2P.ipa
Beep My Cell 1.0-iphonecare.ipa
Breakfast Slots 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Campo Minato 1.1-iphonecare.ipa
ChocChocPop 1.3-Hexhammer.ipa
Construction Zone 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Cooking Mama 1.0.2.ipa
DIY Recipes 1.1-poedgirl[C4iD].ipa
Dots Premium 1.11-bob.ipa
Eucalyptus — 20,000 books, to go 1.1.Patched-MadHouse.ipa
FingerBeat 1.0-cracked-BIGAPPLE1988.ipa
FracCalc Pro Fraction Calculator 2.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Free Memory 1.5-G33kz0r.ipa
Guitar - Play and Share 1.60-cracked-BIGAPPLE.ipa
Guitarist 1.7-cracked-BIGAPPLE1988.ipa
Heaven or Hell 1.5.1-weasel.ipa
Hero Hoops 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Hyper Puck 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
i-Gun, 44-in-1 Ultimate Arsenal Experience 1.7-MadHouse.ipa
iDork 1.1-weasel.ipa
iDrum Beatboxing Edition 1.0.6-cracked-BIGAPPLE1988.ipa
iDrum Club Edition 1.0.6-cracked-BIGAPPLE1988.ipa
iDrum Hip-Hop Edition 1.0.6-cracked-BIGAPPLE1988.ipa
iDrum Rock Edition 1.0.6-cracked-BIGAPPLE1988.ipa
iShred - Guitar + Effects 1.60-cracked-BIGAPPLE1988.ipa
Match 3D Flick Puzzle 1.05.14-Hexhammer.ipa
Measures 1.2.9.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Monkey Party 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Mouse Jerry 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
My Last Cigarette 2.00-suspiria.ipa
myNZB 0.3.ipa
París audio guía turística (audio en español) 1.1.1-tKt.ipa
PHOTO PLAY - Find it! 1.5.ipa
Pianist 1.4.cracked-BIGAPPLE1988.ipa
Ric Rococo - International Art Thief 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Skabooki 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Snow-Tower 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
StickWars 1.6-AppCrackLiteUser.ipa
Striptease 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Synth Racing 1.002-COREPDA.ipa
Tank-O-Box 2.2-L.ipa
Tapatalk 1.2-berwan.ipa
The Massive Dev Chart 1.0-Fufi.ipa
The Moron's Maze 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Totem Quest Puzzle Match 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Townrs Defender 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
TwitterFon Pro 2.0.1-MadHouse.ipa
UAV Fighter 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
WhatToCook - 125 recipes! 1.6-merolas95.ipa
Wild Wild Train 1.0.1-Hexhammer.ipa
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Al Bukhari 1.0-islam456.ipa
Asteroids 3k 1.1-corepda.ipa
Atomic Clock (Gorgy Timing) 3.02-islam456.ipa
Big Two 1.5.1.ipa
Boxcar 1.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Clock-Radio Light Alarm 1.4.1-NeOsKuL.ipa
CreepyTown 1.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Daijisen Jpn-Jpn Dictionary (Japanese-Japanese Dictionary) 2.1.ipa
Grocery Gadget Shopping List Sync Groceries 2.0.2-Damien666.ipa
iAWSManager 1.01-luudaigiang.ipa
iDay Deluxe 3.0-DEVIL.ipa
iEscaper! -Escape From the Ninja's Lair- 1.0.0-Cr'Apple.ipa
iGuerilla 2 1.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
iKanji touch 1.2-Fufi.ipa
iScribe 1-luudaigiang.ipa
ISR Synth Racing 1.002-COREPDA.ipa
Minigore 1.0-Arce_game.ipa
Mohammed, The Prophet of Islam 1.0-islam456.ipa
OmniFocus 1.5.2-Fufi.ipa
Pocket Universe - Virtual Sky Astronomy 1.7.1-Fufi.ipa
Red Bull Air World Championship 1.0.2-COREPDA.ipa
Refranes 1.0.1-Aldogh85.ipa
Rope'n'Fly 1.4-MadHouse.ipa
RSSPush 1.0-Fufi.ipa
Safe 1.6.1-MadHouse.ipa
Shinro Mines 1.2.4-drQ.ipa
SpaceTime 4.0.ipa
Sparks Part 1 1.2-TheIPAMan.ipa
Taito Space Invaders Infinity Gene 1.0.0-corepda.ipa
The Sims 3 1.0.85-ipwnpda.ipa
ToadSmirk - Political Jabber 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
Trabalenguas 1.0.1-Aldogh85.ipa
TradeWinds 2 1.00-ipwnpda.ipa
TwitterFon Pro 2.0-MadHouse.ipa
Who Has The Biggest Brain 1.2-Fufi.ipa
World Weather 1.0.1-NeOsKuL.ipa
1945 Ace Destroyer 1.2-ipwnpda.ipa
All 67 Games 1.67-COREPDA.ipa
Assassins Creed 1.1.5-COREPDA.ipa
Boxcar - Twitter Push Notifications 1.1-Fufi.ipa
Car Mania 1.0.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Chronicles of Inotia 1.0.4-ipwnpda.ipa
Country & Area Codes 2-cerefen.ipa
Crash 1.1.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Crazy Hotdogs 1.0-ipwnpda.ipa
Crazy Letters - Picture Messages by Nabbed 1.2-cocoxx.ipa
Defender Chronicles - Legend of the Desert King 1.2.1-COREPDA.ipa
Dig Dug Remix 1.0.1-ipwnpda.ipa
DynoQuest 1.1.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
ePhotos 1.2-ssttevee.ipa
FriendSync - Sync w-Facebook 1.4-Fufi.ipa
Galaga Remix 1.0.2-ipwnpda.ipa
iComic -comic reader- 2.5-K.ipa
iDay Deluxe 3.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
iEijiro 1.4.0-mega4i.ipa
iLoseWeight 1.6.2.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
iShoot 2.0.2-ipwnpda.ipa
iSwap Faces 2.0-COREPDA.ipa
iSwap Faces 2.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
iTrans NJ Transit 1.7.4-Fufi.ipa
Jaadu Remote Desktop for Windows 3.0-BoatHouse.ipa
Jaadu VNC 3.0-Fufi.ipa
Mariner Calc (Excel Spreadsheet for iPhone) 1.2.1-Fufi.ipa
Markt 1.1-RRPhantom.ipa
Memory Info 1.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
MemoryInfo 1.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Million 2.0-Ajeje.ipa
mixi Browser mini 2.0.2.ipa
Monopoly Here and Now 2.3-ipwnpda.ipa
Movie Genie 1.2.2-cerefen.ipa
My Phone + for Facebook 2.0.cracked-corepda.ipa
My Webcam 1.2-Stevettt781.ipa
MyPhone+ for Facebook 2.0.ipa
PCalc RPN Calculator 1.7-WHG3.ipa
Pocket First Aid & CPR 2.0.1-cerefen.ipa
Points 1.3-Fufi.ipa
Police Scanner 1.2-Fufi.ipa
Radar In Motion 1.4-COREPDA.ipa
RadarScope 1.3.1-COREPDA.ipa
Remote 1.3-BoatHouse.ipa
Rockstars Live 30 Reward Points 1.2-luudaigiang.ipa
Sentinel 2 - Earth Defense 1.1.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Smith Shooter 1.15-COREPDA.ipa
Sound Match 1.16.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Tap Forms Database 1.7.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Tattoo Shop 1.0.7-rcg.ipa
TCGBuddy 2.9.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
The Idiot Card 1.0-BoatHouse.ipa
The WISDOM English-Japanese, Japanese-English Dictionary 2.0.2-Magirun.ipa
Tic-Tac-Touch FS5 2.6.2-cocoxx.ipa
Tips & Tricks - iPhone Secrets 3.0-TwistedSister.ipa
TOEIC Mastery 1.1.ipa
TOEIC Test 470 2-mega4i.ipa
TRANSFORMERS CyberToy 1.2-Arce_game.ipa
Transformers Defiance Comic 1 of 4 1.0-iPWNPDA.ipa
Transformers Defiance Comic 2 of 4 1.0-iPWNPDA.ipa
Transformers Defiance Comic 3 of 4 1.0-iPWNPDA.ipa
Transformers Defiance Comic 4 of 4 1.0-iPWNPDA.ipa
Triazzle 3.0-rcg.ipa
TripView Sydney 1.6-Chappo[C4iD].ipa
VLC Remote 3.0-Fufi.ipa
War Zone 1.5-COREPDA.ipa
WestBang 1.2-ipwnpda.ipa
White Noise Storm 1.2.0-Stevettt781.ipa
WiFiFoFum 1.2.1-COREPDA.ipa
Saturday, August 1, 2009
8 in 1 - Arcade Park 1.6-Hexhammer.ipa
99 Names of Allah 2.0.5-Islam123.ipa
Amazon Survival 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Amy Gets a Tan! 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Aqua Globs 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Big Top 10 1.0.1-zooo.ipa
Blitz Football Pro 1.3-coconut.ipa
Brawn GP Racing 1.1-mathboy.ipa
BYE BYE METABO 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Calorie Tracker by LIVESTRONG.COM 2.0.2-russell5.ipa
Color Lines 1.0-MadHouse.ipa
CopterKid 1.00-Hexhammer.ipa
Crash!! The most stupid race 1.1.1-zooo.ipa
CREEPYTOWN 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Dragon Slaughter Episode l 1.0-killa.ipa
DynoQuest 1.1.1-Hexhammer.ipa
Enigmo 3.0.1.ipa
Fieldrunners 1.2.3-Cornomaniac.ipa
Flickup (Flickr Uploader) 1.3.4-RRPhantom.ipa
Flock Away 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Gobble 1.0.1-luudaigiang.ipa
iChainLife 1.0.ipa
iFlashcards 1.16-luudaigiang.ipa
iNap - Arrival Alert 1.2.1-RRPhantom.ipa
Istikhara du'aa - Guidance prayer in Islam 1.0-Islam123.ipa
Janaza Salat 1.0-islam123.ipa
Jukebox 0.1-MadHouse.ipa
JustFindit 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Kingsoft PowerWord 2.0-AlexG28.ipa
Layers 1.0-poedgirl[C4iD].ipa
Melodica 1.1.1-RRPhantom.ipa
Memory Sweep 1.0-erotsppa.ipa
Mint Countdowns Pro 1.3-luudaigiang.ipa
MobileFamilyTree 1.3-ShaphanShare.ipa
MonkeyIQ 1.2-luudaigiang.ipa
More Cowbell! 1.5-MadHouse.ipa
Moto X Mayhem 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
PangPang 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
PhoneSpeex 1.0-pad4651.ipa
Pi Cubed 1.11-fufi.ipa
Play Marbles 1.00-Hexhammer.ipa
Pocket God 1.21.cracked.repack-COREPDA.ipa
PrisonBreak 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
QuadCamera-MultiShot 1.95-RN[C4iD].ipa
Quadrum-colors 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
QuitIt! 1.0-pad4651.ipa
RockShip 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
SongFeed 1.2-luudaigiang.ipa
Space Invaders Infinity Gene 1.0.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Spaceballs 1.3-mathboy.ipa
Tax Estimator 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Taxi Jam 1.00-Hexhammer.ipa
Thereminator 1.2-MadHouse.ipa
Thunderstruck 1.0-dikkepapzak.ipa
Vertigo 1.0-slick5657.ipa
WakeMyBrain 1.0-HELM.ipa
Zabihah 1.0-by Islam123.ipa
A Velib' 1.0-Wind.ipa
ABC Match Kids 1.0-luudaigiang.ipa
AccelaStudy Spanish-Korean 1.4.1-megy4i.ipa
airGOM 2 LITE 2.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Batak 1.1.1-berwan.ipa
Boy Toys 1-FLSDLLD.ipa
Brain Quest - Blast Off Grade 4 1.1-luudaigiang.ipa
BubbleGum 1.0-GRnn.ipa
Cartoon Wars v100-Hexhammer.ipa
Clock Radio 1.1-Mister2.ipa
Dirt Moto Racing 1.0.1-wanted.ipa
Double Maze 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Dragon Slaughter Episode 1 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
eTask 1.2.0-Xobius.ipa
feX for Facebook 2.1.0-sni8per8.ipa
FlickTunes 1.0.0-luudaigiang.ipa
Groups 1.2.2.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
iFlashReady 3.0-poedgirl[C4iD].ipa
iHorseRace 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
iStudiez Pro 1.03.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Memory Sweep 1.0-Cracker.ipa
Metal Detector (iPhone 3G S) 1.0-megy4i.ipa
Oceanus Web Browser 1.3.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Oh Mummy 1.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Panoramas 1.0-mega4i.ipa
ProRemote 1.1.2-mega4i.ipa
Puri 2.0.1-wanted.ipa
PuzzleQuest Chapter 1 and 2 1.5-fufi.ipa
Reflexion 2.0.patched-TOUMETTE.ipa
Resident Evil 4 - Mobile Edition 1.00-corepda.ipa
RockinRoll 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Sea Patrol 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Surf Boys 1.1-FLSDLLD.ipa
Tap Faster 1.0-david87.ipa
Volley 1.0-Hexhammer.ipa
Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged 2.0-megy4i.ipa
3D Gallery 2.2-COREPDA.ipa
A Naughty Trivia Game 1.1-RubikCube.ipa
AirCoaster 3D 2.6-COREPDA.ipa
AirTycoon Airline Management 2.0.1.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Baby Translator 1.5.5-RubikCube.ipa
Battle Field 1.6-COREPDA.ipa
Boss Translator 1.1-RubikCube.ipa
Cannabis 0.5.0-TwistedSister.ipa
Card Tower - The House of Cards 1.1.0-RubikCube.ipa
Caster 1.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Castles 2.0-RN[C4iD].ipa
Chronology - Timer 1.5.0-RubikCube.ipa
Click Me 1.0-RubikCube.ipa
Clock 2.0.2-RubikCube.ipa
Color Code Mastermind 1.1-RubikCube.ipa
Come Here 1.0-RubikCube.ipa
Comic Envi 2.0-RubikCube.ipa
Converter (unit conversions) 2.1.0-RubikCube.ipa
Crit - d20 Dice Roller 1.2.2-RubikCube.ipa
Cross Game 2.0.1-RubikCube.ipa
Currency Converter Pro 2.5.1-RubikCube.ipa
Custom Sounds of Nature 3.0.1-RubikCube.ipa
Delivery Status touch, a package tracker 2.3.3-BrandonG777.ipa
Dial!Fritz 1.3.1-ceggerl.ipa
Diet Tracker 1.3-RubikCube.ipa
DinnerDate 2.0.1-RubikCube.ipa
Don't Square 1.4-RubikCube.ipa
Eastern Drawing 1.01-RubikCube.ipa
eWallet - Secure Password Manager 6.1.6-rcg.ipa
Fake Geiger Counter 1.0-RubikCube.ipa
iBartender 1.98-RubikCube.ipa
Ice Road Truckers 1.1-COREPDA.ipa
iFlip Pro 2.0-RubikCube.ipa
Improve Your IQ with Proved Method 1.0-RubikCube.ipa
iSip - formerly sipphone 2.2-amp3d.ipa
iXpenseIt 2.5.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Landscape Tweeting! 2.1-RubikCube.ipa
LCube 1.41.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
LFreeCell 1.32.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
License Plate Game 1.3-RubikCube.ipa
Live Poker Deluxe 660K by Zynga 3.0-fufi.ipa
MBox Mail 2.1.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Me & My Mom GOLD 1.0-RubikCube.ipa
Metal Sun 1.1-Arce_game.ipa
Metro Trivia NYC 1.1-RubikCube.ipa
MiWall Plus 1.5.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Monsters in my closet 1.0-RubikCube.ipa
Num Nuts 1.0-RubikCube.ipa
Playing Cards 1.0-RubikCube.ipa
Pocket God 1.21.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Ricky 1.0-TwistedSister.ipa
Road Trip
Ship Finder 1.2-RubikCube.ipa
Take A Note 1.2.1.ipa
Television 1.1-COREPDA.ipa
To-Do Lists 2 1.0.3-RubikCube.ipa
Touch KO 1.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Tweet Memo (with Twitter) 1.01-RubikCube.ipa
Wild Solitaire 1.8-RubikCube.ipa
XBMC Remote 1.6-BrandonG777.ipa
Navigon MobileNavigator Europe 1.1.0
Navigon MobileNavigator Europe 1.1.0 iPhone GPS

With the NAVIGON MobileNavigator you can transform your iPhone into a fully functional mobile navigation system that is every bit as good as the multi-award-winning personal navigation devices from NAVIGON in terms of its user-friendliness and features.
Navigon AG’s MobileNavigator Europe has been updated to version 1.1.0
- Additional languages (UI and voice guidance): Portugese, Czech, Polish, Turkish, Croatian, Romanian, Slovakian, Greek and Russian.
- NAVIGON’s route planning function known from the companies PND line that enables users to plan a route with several destinations.
- Radar (not for all countries
- Additional map view options (now displays street names in 3D view, optional point of interst (POI) display)
- Call POI function (call the number of a point of interest or save it to your contacts).
- POI filter (allows you to manage the POIs shown on the map)
- Optimized volume control when using the NAVIGON navigation and the integrated iPod function of the iPhone at the same time.
Jules Verne's Return To Mysterious Island
Jules Verne's Return To Mysterious Island 1.2

A young castaway gets shipwrecked on an uncharted island in this exceptional iPhone adventure that features great visuals, an engaging soundscape, tough puzzles, and a rich storyline that draws power from a Jules Verne novel.
Connecting with the “adventurer buried somewhere inside you,” RTMI takes basic clues from Myst. The game is set in present time, with you assuming the role of Mina, a sailor shipwrecked on the shores of this wild, uninhabited island.
Your job is to explore the island, solving puzzles along the way, uncovering artifacts, living spaces and technologies left behind by the people who came before you to this island. Myst-like, eerie feeling of unknown and suspense prevail in RTMI. Unlike Myst, RTMI has more complex inventory and tougher puzzles that will, in some cases, will attempt to stretch your brain beyond its limit. The narrative is deep and engaging and there isn’t anything currently in the App store (bar maybe Myst) with a story as intelligently delivered.
Atlas - Pocket World Maps 1.1-Itaintrite.ipa
Aurora Feint II - Arena Daemons 3.2.ipa
Australia Radio 2.0-Chappo[C4iD].ipa
Awesome 80's Pro 1.3-Itaintrite.ipa
Boulder Dash Vol. 1 1.2.0-corepda.ipa
Busty Pinups 2 1.5-rcg.ipa
Byline 2.5.3-Itaintrite.ipa
Carnival Hammer 1.61-Chappo[C4iD].ipa
Chain Timer 1.3-RubikCube.ipa
Christmas Carols 2.0-RubikCube.ipa 2.0.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Doodle Jump 1.3.2.ipa
DrawRace 1.05.cracked-COREPDA.ipa
Dungeonslayer 1.01.ipa
English English Vietnamese Dictionary 2.1-wanted.ipa
Flight Control 1.4.patched-C4PDA.ipa
Geocaching 2.2-fufi.ipa
GloBall 1.1-Itaintrite.ipa
Go Go Go! - F1 Live Feeds 1.3.ipa
Hammz Hotteez - Adult Slideshow 1.0-rcg.ipa
Harbor Master 1.2-Itaintrite.ipa
iArcherFish 1.1-mathboy.ipa
iDailyBabe 1.0.1-rcg.ipa
iSpell4U 1.2-Itaintrite.ipa
Jelly SMS 2.0-Itaintrite.ipa
League 2009 - NRL 1.1.1-Chappo[C4iD].ipa
Lost n Found 1.2-Itaintrite.ipa
Mart Bingo 1.05-Itaintrite.ipa
MTG Deck Manager 1.5.3-Itaintrite.ipa
Mystique. Chapter 2 - The Child 1.0-leeshang.ipa
Offender Locator 1.7-rcg.ipa
pCAM Cinematography Calculator 2.0-Fufi.ipa
Pee Monkey Toilet Trainer 2 1.0.2-MadHouse.ipa
Pocket God 1.21-rcg.ipa
Pocket Whiteboard 2.2-Laptop123.ipa
Postman 2.0.1-MadHouse.ipa
PS3 iTrophies 2.1-rcg.ipa
Puzzlings 1.0.1-MadHouse.ipa
Reiner Knizia's Robot Master 1.1-BiH8ball.ipa
Rugby League LIVE - NRL 1.1-Chappo[C4iD].ipa
Sea Captain 1.1-emb531.ipa
Star Hogs 1.1.0-Arce_Game.ipa
Touch Hockey - FS5 3.0.0-Laptop123.ipa
Touch KO (Chillingo) 1.0-Arce_Game.ipa
TriDefense 0.9.2-Itaintrite.ipa
TurnTurnTank - Globe Defense 1.0-killa.ipa
UNO 1.4.9-BrandonG777.ipa
Voice Controlled Alarm 2.3-MadHouse.ipa
WhiskyLover 1.2-Itaintrite.ipa
World Leaders 1.01-Itaintrite.ipa
G-Map U.S. West
G-Map U.S. West iPhone GPS Navigation App

G-Map has been available in the App Store for some time now, and while turn-by-turn navigation wasn’t officially possible until iPhone OS 3.0, G-Map had a version that came really close to it. Since its release, G-Map has been updated multiple times. Their last iteration, version 1.3.1, now offers what you know you already want at a very modest price.
The presentation of G-map reminds me much more of a dedicated GPS unit’s screen than the iPhone’s dedicated Maps application. Still, simplicity is the goal in either case. When you open the application, you are greeted by a disclaimer reminding you to secure your device and be careful when driving your car.
The maps themselves are attractive (Navteq), and in some larger metros offer 3D views to interchanges.